The first thing we are looking at are the claims the Bible makes about itself. The author of the study wrote:
"If God's Word really is what it claims to be; if it really does what it claims to do, and if you choose to align your life with its claims, it could change your life forever. ... The questions that at the end of the day will make all the difference are these: Is the Bible actually what it claims to be Does the Bible actually do what it claims to do? If the answers are yes, we are fools if we don't align ourselves according with its truths. If the answers are no, we are fools if we bother."
She then asks what I, the seeker, know about the claims the Bible makes about itself? So I did a quick concordance search and found verses that talk about the Word and made a quick list of some of the things the Bible claims about itself.
Here is what I found...
Deut 8:3b Man does not live by bread alone but on every Word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
God's Word is as necessary for me to live as food
Deut 31:26 The Word of Law (specifically the Torah) is a witness against Israel and really against us also. It is a mirror of how we should live that shows our shortcomings and unrighteousness. (Which sounds awful but hang on there is more!)
Joshua 1:8 (one of my favorite verses) Do not let this book of the Law (again at this point the Torah) depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Word = Instructions for me on living
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
2 Sam. 22:31 -- The Word of the Lord is FLAWLESS
Ps 19:7-8 .. the Word is perfect, trustworthy, right, radiant. It revives my soul, makes me wise, give joy to my heart and gives light to my eyes.
v. 9 says it is Sure and altogether righteous.
v. 10 -- it is more precious than gold and sweeter than honey
Ps 119:9 to keep my way pure, I must lie according to the Word
v 11 It keeps me from sinning WHEN it is a part of me
v 105 -- it guides, illuminates
Prov. 30:5 Every word of God is FLAWLESS
Isa 55:11 -- The Word will not come back void.. it will accomplish what God desires and achieve the purpose for which He sent it.
John 1:1 -- the Word has always been and according to v. 14 it became flesh - Jesus!
Luke 21:33 Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my Words will never pass away.
Eph 6:17 -- Sword of the Spirit (our only offensive weapon in the armor of God) is the Word of God.
Phil 2:16 -- It is the Word of Life
Col 3:16 -- It should dwell richly in me. Col. 3:16 starts with the word LET so it is a choice I make to let it dwell richly in me. How? bu choosing to be in the Word and to have the Word in me!
2 Tim 3:16 - 17 ALL Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. SO that the man (woman) of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Heb. 4:12 For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any double edged sword. It penetrates even to diving soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
I believe every one of those claims.. but I have to ask myself if I live like I believe them? Do I live like I believe God and what He says?
Do you?
I would encourage you to take a bit of time and look up what the Bible says about itself. And then stop and think of each point you find and decide 1) Do you believe it and 2) Do you live like you do