Sunday, January 20, 2008


Recently a friend asked me to pray for her and a situation at work. Now this wasn't a life and death situation... in fact, some would think it a silly thing to pray about. Of course I know there is absolutely NOTHING that can be considered a silly thing to pray about.... God cares about every single aspect of our lives from our health to the car keys we have misplaced and everything in between. So my friend asked me to pray because she knew I wouldn't deem her request silly.

The next morning as I am praying... not really sure what to ask God for in this situation... a word pops into my mind.. BREAKTHROUGH... and then I remembered there is a very in the Bible that talks about this very thing. After a bit of digging, I found it... 2 Samuel 5:20 "....The LORD has broken through my enemies before me like the breakthrough of waters."

David had just defeated the Philistines against great odds and he knew why... Yaweh had gone before him and broken through like a mighty rush of water.

The neat thing is God is still able to do this and He wants to do it in your life and in mine.... and not just in the big things. He wants to breakthrough every stronghold in our life that in any way causes us distress or comes between us and him.

My friend's trouble at work wasn't a huge thing, but she found herself thinking about it at home... trying to work it out in her head. It was taking up her mind and her energy and surely taking her focus off God.

It was definitely time for a BREAKTHROUGH... much better that than a breakdown!

So the next time you have anything... no matter how big or how small... that is standing between you and God... taking up all your mind and energies... keeping your focus off the Lord... pray 2 Sam. 5:20 with confidence.

Our God is the Lord of the Breakthrough! There is nothing He cannot handle!

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