Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yesterday in my time with the Lord I read John 4:1-26... one of my favorite favorite favorite passages in the Bible.. the Woman at the Well...don't you just love that story! I love how personal Jesus is... I love the definition of true worshippers found in verse 24... but this time I felt drawn to focus on what Jesus offered her... and what He offers us... Living Water.

I drink lots and lots of water.. in fact, I rarely drink anything else. I will occasionally get a Sprite when I am eating out and it tastes good, but I find myself needing more of it to quench my thirst. It just can't satisfy like good cold ice water. Isn't that how it is with the things of this world? We find all sorts of things to quench our thirst... other people... stuff... stimulants... busyness... hobbies.... television... computer... they can be fun and even rewarding at times... we may even feel they are doing the trick... quenching our thirst.. satisfying us... but then we need more and more and we find they just don't do it... they don't satisfy whatever is inside us. The only thing that will do that... that will fill our need to be loved.. accepted... give us hope... is Jesus... the Living Water.

It really is that simple. He is all we need. And when we have tasted that Living Water, we will want more of it... and we can have more... Jesus tells us that blessed is He who hungers and thirsts for righteousness sake, for he shall be filled (Matt. 5:6) ... He also calls for us to open wide our mouths and He will fill them (Ps. 81:10).

This week I am striving to drink from the well of Living Water He offers and not fill up on other stuff... care to join me? Barb

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