Thursday, February 21, 2008


I love the word Lavish.... there is such a richness and joy to it. When I think of something being lavished, I think of luxury... abundance... pampering.... who doesn't love that! So this morning when God brought to my mind 1 John 3:1, my heart began to sing. "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"

God had LAVISHED His love on us.. how awesome is that!?

I did a bit of digging on the word Lavish and here are some of the definitions I found...

---to expend or give in great amounts or without limit

---to lavish gifts on a person.
---to give or bestow in abundance; shower

---expend profusely

---to spend or give very freely

---give forth from one's self

And the word origin, to me, is truly fascinating... Lavish comes from the Middle English word lavas which means profusion or profuse. That word came from the Middle French word lavasse which means a downpour of rain and is a derivation of the Latin word laver which is to wash.

So think of all that in context of 1 John 3:1. "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us"... He has given us His unconditional agape love without limit... in abundance... from Himself... He showers it on us like a downpour of rain washing us with His love.

For me, this gives new meaning to being washed in the blood. Jesus' blood was quite literally God love being lavished on us... making us white as snow and children of the Most High God!

Father, How can we even begin to comprehend this! You have given us not only what we need, but abundantly more as you lavish us continually with your unconditional love. May we not take it for granted and may we use the overflow to pour out that love on others. Help us to see the opportunities you place before us so that You can love others through us. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen... let it be so Lord Jesus!

1 comment:

Melody Phillips said...

I love what you wrote so beautifully about the word "Lavish"
We are having a Women's Conference and the name is called LAVISH Would love to invite all you ladies to come!