Sunday, April 15, 2012

All's Quiet... or is it?

This past weekend was Easter.  I remember reading lots of Facebook Statuses and Tweets on Twitter on Good Friday about the Crucifixion.. and many saying Sunday's Coming!  All true and all good.

And I knew on Easter Sunday I would be reading lots and lots of comments on His Resurrection and being alive. Again.. all true and all good!  But what about the day in-between?

There really isn't anything said about that Saturday in the Bible. We know it was a Sabbath day, so we can assume the Jews were observing the Sabbath.  We know Jesus' followers were hiding.. scared.. no doubt confused and troubled.

But again, the Word is quiet about that time and so it would be easy to assume everything was quiet.. God was not working.. Jesus was in the tomb.. all work had ceased.  But of course, that is not true. God never sleeps nor slumbers. (Ps. 121:4)  He is always at work. And He was that day.

We know a lot happened while Jesus was in the grave. We know He overcame the power of sin, death and hell. How.. we don't know the details.. and we don't need to know.  Bottom line... things were happening.. things on the Spiritual realm that we could not see.

And how I praise God they were happening!

And still happen!

We all have "good Friday" moments in our life.. when someone "bad" happens.. something that overwhelms us.. something outside our human capacity to cope.. and when we are in those situations, we are looking for answers.. a way out.. results. And for whatever reason, we often have times after the "good Friday" event where it seems God is quiet... nothing is happening.. we are just coasting in our anguish.  But guess what? OUR GOD does not sleep!  He is at work.. always!  And He has not forgotten us.  There is a Resurrection Sunday coming for us and our situation... it may not be this side of heaven.. it may not look the way we thing it should look.. but it is coming.. God has made a way... He is at work. We need only wait and trust that even when it is "Saturday" and we are scared and troubled and it seems we are alone, we are not. Our God is working in ways we cannot comprehend.. doing what is best for us and for His kingdom.

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