Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Psalm 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15

from Aug. 28, 2008

Psalm 11 is another reminder that God is our refuge... that He is a God of Justice (v. 7).

In Psalm 12, David appears to be living among the wicked that were described back in Psalm 10 and he is seeking the Lord's protection from them. In verse 6 he declares, "And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times." I love that verse! It is a wonder reminder that what God says is true and He will do what He promises. We can take Him at His Word.

Psalm 13 is a great Psalm for when you feel God isn't working in your life or your situation. In verses 1 - 4 the Psalmist cries out ... where are You, God, have You forgotten me? You've left me here to deal with this alone. I am being overcome... and then in verse 5 there is that small yet important word... BUT

I feel forsaken - overwhelmed - under attack BUT....
v. 5-6 "I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me."

Choosing to praise God in spite of our circumstances is worship and it is what we need to do. Instead of wallowing in the mire, we choose to rise above it and focus on the most important thing -- God.

This Psalm reminds me of Job 1:21b "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised."

A big key for me is to understand that it is a choice we make -- we choose to praise -- we are not force to do it and it isn't a magic spell that makes things all better or forces God to do it our way. It is a choice that affects our heart and attitude and our witness before others. When we choose to praise, we are choosing to TRUST Go - to take Him at His Word, which according to Ps. 12 is flawless!

Psalm 14 seems to be a lament for the wicked. David describes their deeds and attitudes, but there is a tone of sadness there.. I assume because he knows their fate. I've felt that way about someone or ones before -- those who totally blow off God -- it saddens me as much, or maybe more, than it angers me.

Psalm 14 does have a reminder for us in verse 6 that the Lord is our refuge (something we are told over and over in the Psalms).

I have prayed numerous times to be the person described in Psalm 15 -- to be blameless - righteous - speak truth from my heart - no slander - do no wrong to my neighbor - case no slurs on others - honor those who fear the Lord, but despise evil, vile -- keep my promises -- lend money without expecting it back - give to others with no motive - be honest.

I want to dwell in His Sanctuary - to live on His Holy Hill - to never be shaken - the thing is this is not a check list to get to heaven -- IF we are truly saved, we will want to live this way and we will strive to do so.

Jesus said in the New Testaments there were 2 commandments -- to Love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and might and to Love our neighbor as ourselves. If I follow those, I will live up to Psalm 15.

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