Monday, October 13, 2008

Psalm 30

written September 30, 2008

As I was reading Psalm 30 today, it hit me that this is a Psalm of testimony. David is testifying to what God has done in his life:

He lifted me out of the depths (v. 1)
He healed me (v. 2)
He spared me (v. 3)
He favored me (v. 7)
He turned my wailing into dancing (v. 11)
He clothed me with joy (v. 11)

Do I need to be lifted out of the depths... healed... spared... favored... to dance... to have joy? I need only exalt my Lord (v. 10) and cry out to Him (v. 8) for He is my help (v. 10) and I am assured that no matter my circumstances "weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning!" (v. 5) and so I will not remain silent, but instead my heart will sing to You, O Lord! (v. 12).

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